Sunday 30 March 2008

What a load of bollocks

I consider myself a very tolerant person when it comes to people who do gross things. When watching a programme last week about a brother and sister that one day decided to start shagging, I was of the opinion that even though it was revolting, I thought they should legally not be punished for it. I also don't judge people too much for picking their nose in public. I understand that sometimes your mind can drift and you can forget that other people can see you (particularily when you're in a car). See? I'm very tolerant and understanding.
However, I witnessed a video on the internet last night that was so disgusting it made me despair for mankind. It's part of a series of internet videos called the 'Pain Olympics' where people hurt themselves on film, I assume to prove how big and clever they are. The one I saw (the first, and the last one I shall be seeing) was called Hatchet VS Penis. And fair play to it, it did what it said on the tin.
I think it was two different men, though it was hard to make out through the gaps in my hands - one of them sawing off his penis with a knife, and one of them butchering their scrotum with a small hatchet. Not family viewing, I'm sure you'll agree.
My friend (and I use the term loosely) informed me of this video, and being the curious journalist I am I had to see it. I assumed it would be fake but after seeing it I really can't think how someone could have managed to fake something like that.
Which brings me to what I consider a couple of very important questions: What kind of sick people do things like this, film it, then post it on the internet? And secondly, what kind of sick people watch it? Me apparantly, would be the shameful answer to the second one.
Clearly, there are deep, mental issues involved here, and I won't spend time thinking about what kind of mental issues drive someone to do this. Like World Poverty and Hollyoaks, these things are best left ignored.
But as a decent(ish) citizen I feel I have to use the example to question what the internet is doing to society. Anyone who's familiar with these cult internet videos will probably have witnessed the following things:
Two women shitting into eachother's mouths.
A woman being shagged by a horse (she later died)
A woman being shagged by a dog.
Nice. Is this what entertainment is becoming? I remember the days when me and my friends used to crowd around in the playground in junior school and quote South Park, thinking it was the rudest, coolest thing in the world. South Park might as well be Songs of Praise after what I saw last night.
Reading the comments that were left on the video for Hatchet VS Penis, it seems a lot of people out there think that what those men did was very cool too. They even seemed to get a lot of respect for what they had... achieved?
Fair enough, they did something that not a lot of people could do - but does that mean it warrants respect? I know I don't have the balls to do it. But now, neither do they. And surely the hindrance that the lack of a penis entails can't be worth the twisted admiration of an internet audience? They didn't even get famous from it as their faces didn't even appear in the video, as the camera was busy getting close up to the gruesome details.
If this is the way that entertainment is going, I'm afraid I'm not going to be onboard.
They're just going to get more and more disgusting as people try to outdo eachother, and I don't want to see who manages to top Hatchet VS Penis.
Anyone who reads this may be curious to see the video, but I won't be providing a link, as I really wouldn't recommend it. It actually made me vomit. However, if you're anything like me, curiosity will get the better of you and you'll watch it regardless. And to those of you who do, all I can say is.. sorry.

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